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Public Notice

This page is intended to provide the Nationals of Allodium Moorish Praedium with notices of change and relevant information pertaining to votes on policy and election times, dates and results.

Deandre Bey

Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado

November 23, 2022

Criminal Indictment,


Deandre Bey, nom de guerre Deandre Molden knowingly and willfully engaged in Sedition, Treason and fraud against the State of Allodium Moorish Praedium ante Colorado with co-conspirators Jermaine Bey, Conya Bey, Brittany Bey, Chad Bey and Nova Elu El. In addition, he willfully and knowingly violated the Constitution, “Law of Restoration” Article 5. Section5. and the Executive Branch policy of “AMPAC” Article 1. The officers that serve in support of the executive office shall have the interest of the Constitution and the well-being of the State as a guide in their service to this administration.


1. Conformity, meaning compliance with the Constitution's standards, rules, or laws and the executive branch of government. Adherence to the operating procedures installed in this policy. Behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions, and standards of operation.


2. Order, meaning orderly in a good manner. The transparency and discipline among each officer in the executive branch. The harmonious relationship of individuals working for the common good on behalf of the Nationals of AMPAC.


3. Transparency, meaning the access and proper disclosure of information. Transparency also involves clarity of purpose and motive with government information and property, intellectual and tangible.


These three principles will be used to judge the merits of any allegation that may be levied at a person or on the branch as a whole. There shall be no comingling of funds, property, information, or work product. The separation of personal and government product must be clearly delineated.

All government product must be forfeited in the event of, termination, resignation, retirement, or removal from office. A twenty-four-hour period to gather and reposit government property will be allowed before the office of the Mufti, Consul General, and the Sheriff will be called on to intervene on behalf of the Executive Branch.


The colluding parties then published a video of the crime on a counterfeit duplicate channel titled “AMPAG Government” on November the 12th 2022, publicizing the corruption against the State and exposing the criminal conspirators and their minor children to felony charges from the State under the Law of Restoration Article 5 section 2 & Article 5 section 4 paragraph 8, the first of which states;


“Every elected or appointed official works for the people who are the Nation. Any attempt to confer upon oneself a title other than the title they are elected to is prohibited and will subject the official to investigation for infractions against the people, their office, and the national government” and the second which states, “


The fifth crime is treason against the nation and the Moorish Nationals, which carries a penalty of capital punishment. To be found guilty of Treason, two (2) witnesses to the overt act against the Nation shall be sufficient to initiate a full investigation into the Treason. The two (2) witnesses must each provide an affidavit of fact detailing in an explicit fashion the entire scope of what was witnessed including all parties involved. After a complete investigation, adjudication and sentencing the punishment shall be carried out immediately.”


It is hereby determined that the evidence of the on-going crime is sufficient, blatant and observable, be forwarded to AMPAC’s Judicial Branch for a trial by a jury of Nationals to determine the penalty for his crimes against the State.

Nova Elu El

Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado

November 22, 2022

Criminal Indictment,


Monica Lynn Ortega, nom de guerre Nova Elu El is accused of participating in a conspiracy to commit Sedition and Treason against the Government of Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado, by recruiting and organizing individuals to join the conspiracy against the State and the Constitution “Law of Restoration.” 


As ignorance of the law is no excuse, the accused emphatically worked with deposed Qazi Jermaine Diaz Spencer, deposed Consul General Conya L. Robinson, Cadi District #1 DeAndre Lamar Molden, Rasm of Education Chad Lashone Rideaux, and Dalil Aziz member Brittany Rideaux, in a conspiracy to commit Sedition and Treason against the Government of Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado. Having intimate knowledge of the meeting that removed former Qazi Jermaine Bey and former Consul General Conya Bey, there is no reason to believe that the accused did not make a conscious decision to subvert the rule of the people and the Dalil Aziz by choosing to enter into a criminal conspiracy.


On November the 12th 2022, the colluding parties then published a video of the crime on a counterfeit duplicate channel titled “AMPAG Government, providing irrefutable evidence of the sedition and treason committed. The Law of Restoration Article 5 section 2, the first of which states; “Every elected or appointed official works for the people who are the Nation. Any attempt to confer upon oneself a title other than the title they are elected to is prohibited and will subject the official to investigation for infractions against the people, their office, and the national government”


Article 5 section 4 paragraph 8 “The fifth crime is treason against the nation and the Moorish Nationals, which carries a penalty of capital punishment. To be found guilty of Treason, two (2) witnesses to the overt act against the Nation shall be sufficient to initiate a full investigation into the Treason. The two (2) witnesses must each provide an affidavit of fact detailing in an explicit fashion the entire scope of what was witnessed including all parties involved. After a complete investigation, adjudication and sentencing the punishment shall be carried out immediately.”


All elements to prove the crimes of [1]Sedition and [2]Treason have been satisfied. It is hereby ordered that this matter be sent to the judicial department for formal charges and a trial.


So let it be written, So let it be done.


[1] SEDITION. An insurrectionary movement tending towards treason, but wanting an overt act; attempts made by meetings or speeches, or by publications, to disturb the tranquility of the state

[2] TREASON. The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance; or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power.

Chad Bey

Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado

November 23, 2022

Criminal Indictment,


Chad Bey, nom de guerre Chad Lashone Rideaux knowingly and willfully engaged in Sedition, Treason and fraud against the State of Allodium Moorish Praedium ante Colorado with co-conspirators Jermaine Bey, Conya Bey, Brittany Bey, Deandre Bey and Nova Elu El. In addition, he willfully and knowingly violated the intellectual property law of “AMPAC” by creating a duplicate site titled AMPAC Government, meant to confuse the public and redirect them to an unsanctioned channel under his control.


The colluding parties then published a video of the crime on a counterfeit duplicate channel titled “AMPAG Government” on November the 12th 2022, publicizing the corruption against the State and exposing the criminal conspirators and their minor children to felony charges from the State under the Law of Restoration Article 5 section 2 & Article 5 section 4 paragraph 8, the first of which states;


“Every elected or appointed official works for the people who are the Nation. Any attempt to confer upon oneself a title other than the title they are elected to is prohibited and will subject the official to investigation for infractions against the people, their office, and the national government”


and the second which states,


“The fifth crime is treason against the nation and the Moorish Nationals, which carries a penalty of capital punishment. To be found guilty of Treason, two (2) witnesses to the overt act against the Nation shall be sufficient to initiate a full investigation into the Treason. The two (2) witnesses must each provide an affidavit of fact detailing in explicit fashion the entire scope of what was witnessed including all parties involved. After a complete investigation, adjudication and sentencing the punishment shall be carried out immediately.”


The nature of the crime being aggravated and egregious given the responsibility of the former Rasm, who was entrusted with the education and erudition of prospective Nationals. It is hereby determined that the evidence of the on-going crime, which is blatant and observable, be forwarded to AMPAC’s Judicial Branch for a trial by a jury of Nationals to determine the penalty for his crimes against the State.

Brittany Bey

Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado 

November 21, 2022 

Criminal Indictment, 


Brittany Bey, nom de guerre Brittany Rideaux, in a conspiracy to commit Sedition and Treason against the Government of Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado, assumed a title not conferred by the Nationals or by the Dalil Aziz council; was observed on video recording impersonating the government office of Seyaraha, on November 11th, 2022. Article 2. Section 2. Of the Law of Restoration states,


“The head of the Dalil Aziz shall hold the title of Seyaraha and shall manage the administrative affairs for the Dalil Aziz. The Seyaraha shall be elected, as their first order of business, by the Dalil Aziz body annually on May 2nd of each year. The election of the Seyaraha shall be affirmed by the Wazir Al’rais and the Head Qazi. The Seyaraha shall be the determining vote in case of a tie.” 


The office that Brittany Bey assumed in a de facto manner, is currently occupied and active members of the Dalil Aziz, Nyria Deng Al, Sana Wase El, and Ahava Ruach El had no vote or input into any decisions regarding leadership, making any exercise illegal and an open act of treason against the State of Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado. Furthermore, Articles 3 and 4 of the law of Restoration state,


“3. The Dalil Aziz shall introduce, vote on, and present to the Wazir Al’rais for signature any and all bills which pass through their body. Bills for consideration may be presented to the Dalil Aziz from within the body, from the Wazir Al’rais, and the Moorish Nationals who are the body politic for the provincial government.  The Dalil Aziz shall oversee and initiate, if necessary, impeachment proceedings (for removal) upon any Executive, Dalil Aziz or Judicial Officer who violates and abuses their powers in contradiction of this Law of Restoration."


Brittany Bey, as a member of the Dalil Aziz, took part in the votes to remove the former Qazi Jermaine Bey, nom de guerre Jay Spencer Diaz and former Consul General Conya Bey, nom de guerre Conya Robinson. Brittany Bey’s participation in those removals makes any action after the November 4th and November 5th votes, Void Ab Initio. A void ab initio agreement is Latin for "void from the beginning." This means that legally, a contract was void as soon as it was created. 


Continuing, Article 4. states “The Dalil Aziz members shall be constrained from admitting patriarchs into their ranks, using the office for personal gain, exercising undue influence, influence peddling, receiving emolument from a foreign power, receiving bribes, appointing offices not approved by the Dalil Aziz, issuing special interest bills presuming to confer civil rights, and requiring personal oaths of allegiance.


” Given the current members of the Dalil Aziz had no knowledge of the seditious acts it stands to reason that you assumed that you could allow patriarchs into the council to confer a title upon you, which again is void of truth, seditious and treasonous.


Brittany Bey at front and center of the colluding parties then published a video of the crime on a counterfeit duplicate channel titled “AMPAG Government” on November the 12th 2022, publicizing the corruptions against the State and exposing the criminal conspirators and their minor children to felony charges from the State under the Law of Restoration Article 5 section 2 & Article 5 section 4 paragraph 8, the first of which states;


“Every elected or appointed official works for the people who are the Nation. Any attempt to confer upon oneself a title other than the title they are elected to is prohibited and will subject the official to investigation for infractions against the people, their office, and the national government”


and the second which states,


“The fifth crime is treason against the nation and the Moorish Nationals, which carries a penalty of capital punishment. To be found guilty of Treason, two (2) witnesses to the overt act against the Nation shall be sufficient to initiate a full investigation into the Treason. The two (2) witnesses must each provide an affidavit of fact detailing in an explicit fashion the entire scope of what was witnessed including all parties involved. After a complete investigation, adjudication and sentencing the punishment shall be carried out immediately.” 


The nature of the crime being aggravated and egregious given the foreknowledge of the removal of key officers, the former Qazi Jermaine Bey and the former Consul General Conya By. It is hereby determined that the evidence of the on-going crime, which is blatant and observable, be forwarded to AMPAC’s Judicial Branch for formal charges against the defendant, Brittany Bey aka, Brittany Rideaux. 

Conya Bey

Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado

November 23, 2022

Criminal Indictment,


Conya Bey, nom de guerre Conya L. Robinson knowingly and willfully obstructed justice in his office as Consul General of Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado. After removal from office, Conya Bey engaged in Sedition, Treason, and fraud with co-conspirators Jermaine Bey, Brittany Bey, Chad Bey, and Nova Elu El. As A government officer and as former Consul General, Conya Bey was fully aware that any action taken after his removal from office by the Dalil Aziz, Matriarchal council was “[1]void ab initio”


In addition, he willfully and knowingly violated the Constitution, “Law of Restoration” Article 5. Section 5. and the Executive Branch policy of “AMPAC” Article 1. The officers that serve in support of the executive office shall have the interest of the Constitution and the well-being of the State as a guide in their service to this administration.


1. Conformity, meaning compliance with the Constitution's standards, rules, or laws and the executive branch of government. Adherence to the operating procedures installed in this policy. Behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions, and standards of operation.


2. Order, meaning orderly in a good manner. The transparency and discipline among each officer in the executive branch. The harmonious relationship of individuals working for the common good on behalf of the Nationals of AMPAC.


3. Transparency, meaning the access and proper disclosure of information. Transparency also involves clarity of purpose and motive with government information and property, intellectual and tangible.


These three principles will be used to judge the merits of any allegation that may be levied at a person or on the branch as a whole. There shall be no comingling of funds, property, information, or work product. The separation of personal and government product must be clearly delineated.


All government product must be forfeited in the event of, termination, resignation, retirement, or removal from office. A twenty-four-hour period to gather and reposit government property will be allowed before the office of the Mufti, Consul General, and the Sheriff will be called on to intervene on behalf of the Executive Branch.


The colluding parties then published a video of the crime on a counterfeit duplicate channel titled “AMPAG Government” on November the 12th 2022, publicizing the corruption against the State and exposing the criminal conspirators and their minor children to felony charges from the State under the Law of Restoration Article 5 section 2 & Article 5 section 4 paragraph 8, the first of which states;


“Every elected or appointed official works for the people who are the Nation. Any attempt to confer upon oneself a title other than the title they are elected to is prohibited and will subject the official to investigation for infractions against the people, their office, and the national government”


and the second which states,


“The fifth crime is treason against the nation and the Moorish Nationals, which carries a penalty of capital punishment. To be found guilty of Treason, two (2) witnesses to the overt act against the Nation shall be sufficient to initiate a full investigation into the Treason. The two (2) witnesses must each provide an affidavit of fact detailing in an explicit fashion the entire scope of what was witnessed including all parties involved. After a complete investigation, adjudication and sentencing the punishment shall be carried out immediately.”


It is hereby determined that the evidence of the on-going crime is sufficient, blatant, and observable and that it be forwarded to AMPAC’s Judicial Branch for a trial by a jury of Nationals to determine the penalty for his crimes against the State.


[1] Null; ineffectual; nugatory; having no legal force or binding effect; unable, in law, to support the purpose for which it was intended.



The treasonous social group that refers to themselves as ampac (state n. municipal  corporation.) 

You continue to put more evidence of sedition and treason on the record passing yourself off as a government officials. Article 5. Section 2. Every elected or appointed official works for the people who are the Nation. Any attempt to confer upon oneself a title other than the title they are elected to is prohibited and will subject the official to investigation for infractions against the people, their office, and the national government.


Jermaine Spencer Diaz and Conya Lamar Robinson were dismissed as of November 5th 2022. The Moors of Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado will not be recolonized by a felonious foreign party that blatantly and contemptuously violates the Law of Restoration. Your study group has no delegation of authority, you have no power, and no say so in anything outside of operating your own household. 


Conya L. Robinson, one of the many reasons you were removed is your lack of understanding the parameters of your appointed office and the fact that you report to the Wazir Al’ Rais who appointed you; and ultimately signed the Dalil Aziz decision to remove you. It maters little who is patting you on the back and encouraging your lawless behavior. 


The vote to remove you and the Qazi cannot be overturned by an individual who conspired against the Dalil Aziz Matriarchal Council, the State, and committed sedition and treason. A disgraced ex-member of the Dalil Aziz who is under undue influence from her consort and the removed Qazi that assaulted two members of the Dalil Aziz Matriarchal Council on camera.


The weakest branch of the government cannot, in violation of the constitution, appoint anyone or reconstitute a government with sitting officers. Reading is fundamental, and it is incumbent on you to you review your actions against the articles of the Constitution.


Elections and succession clauses cannot be circumvented by a rouge ex-Qazi. The unmitigated gall of indicted felons to continue the charade of lawlessness cannot be more strongly condemned. 

Perpetrating a fraud is easy with people in followship, however, the sober minds of any chartered municipality or International organization will not be swayed by a charlatan and his group of indicted seditionists. Wait for your subpoena in the mail and show up for your trial as ordered.

 There will be no revisionist history.

Sitting Wazir Al’ Rais, Dawud Habib El Amen

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